
Here you can visit the business concept I built utilizing the power of passion and action, including everything I learned about life and people at – Trifoura
DISCLAIMER: I want to clearly state that I am not a Doctor, a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Business Coach, a Trained Public Speaker, a Psychic, or a Guru of any sorts. I am just a natural born Analyst, Strategist, Advisor, Problem Solver, and a Survivor.
I am not licensed by any agencies, nor do I think or speak under the influence of any type of medium other than my own education, experience, thoughts, and words.
I just experienced “The Ultimate Takedown,” causing more destruction in every aspect of my life than most people can imagine.
I began as a general construction contractor transforming man-made structures – then elevated to transforming the lives of human beings.
The complete transformation of my very own mind and body, including those I have helped along my journey, are proof of my abilities, my survival skills, my accomplishments, and what I can initiate for others, to say the very least.
Now, ask yourself a few simple questions. Where are you in life right now? Where do you want to be? What’s preventing you from getting there? Has the person you were – become the person you are – and subconsciously sabotaged you?
I walked through the tunnel of hell to get where I am today and if I was able to recover from everything I endured, then you can too. I provide my education and my experience in Health and Fitness, Entrepreneurship, Business, Real Estate, Economy, and General Life, etc. I can analyze, I can strategize, I can advise, and I can help you get where you want to go, but I cannot do it for you. You must put the work in, just like I did. The only person that has the power to change your life, is You!