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Here you can visit the business concept I built utilizing the power of passion and action, including everything I learned about life and people at – Trifoura

DISCLAIMER:  I want to clearly state that I am not a Doctor, a Psychiatrist, a Psychologist, a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Business Coach, a Trained Public Speaker, a Psychic, or a Guru of any sorts.  I am just a natural born Analyst, Strategist, Advisor, Problem Solver, and a Survivor.
I am not licensed by any agencies, nor do I think or speak under the influence of any type of medium other than my own education, experience, thoughts, and words. 
I just experienced “The Ultimate Takedown,” causing more destruction in every aspect of my life than most people can imagine. 
I began as a general construction contractor transforming man-made structures – then elevated to transforming the lives of human beings.
The complete transformation of my very own mind and body, including those I have helped along my journey, are proof of my abilities, my survival skills, my accomplishments, and what I can initiate for others, to say the very least. 
Now, ask yourself a few simple questions.  Where are you in life right now?  Where do you want to be?  What’s preventing you from getting there?  Has the person you were – become the person you are – and subconsciously sabotaged you? 
I walked through the tunnel of hell to get where I am today and if I was able to recover from everything I endured, then you can too.  I provide my education and my experience in Health and Fitness, Entrepreneurship, Business, Real Estate, Economy, and General Life, etc.  I can analyze, I can strategize, I can advise, and I can help you get where you want to go, but I cannot do it for you.  You must put the work in, just like I did.  The only person that has the power to change your life, is You!

Are you ready to take back your life and be the
person you were meant to be?

Let's Do This!
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